Page Four: “Who Is The Head of the Church?” 10/21/2012
Folks, no Pastor, teacher, Elder, Deacon or person inside Christ’s Church is in charge. This is His Church. We are accountable to Him.
First, Jesus is the Cornerstone of the most majestic, magnificent, and marvellous building in existence. Second, Jesus is Absolute Authority over His Church. Third, then, as our Head, we are called to bow before Him in humble worship. There are many who see Jesus merely as a baby in a manger. Many see Him as the Teacher Who taught the crowds on the hillsides of Judea or from a boat on the Sea of Galilee. But Jesus is the One Who is Head over all. You see, Christ is truly the Founder of Christianity. But He is also the One Who is worshipped and loved and honored by those Who are part of His Church. Just Who Jesus is matters more than anything in the world. Jesus is the Center of our worship. Jesus is the Focus of our fellowship. Jesus is the Essence of our message. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man comes to the Father apart from Him. Romans 12:1 says this. Romans 12:1 “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. (2) And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” As Head, we are the followers. We are His disciples. And, as His disciples, we operate according to His Scriptures. Folks, there will always be things we can’t quite fully grasp about God. But that’s the reason Jesus came into this world. Christ came into this world so that we could know the true and the living God. And as we come to know Him more and more, we worship Him in spirit and in truth. Paul here in Colossians makes Jesus the focus of everything. |
• Jesus is the God/man.
• Jesus is the Image of God. • Jesus is the Creator of the Universe. • Jesus holds everything together by His own power. • Jesus is the Savior of the world. • And Jesus is the Head of His Church. Will you submit your life completely to Him today? Now in closing, let me make you aware of this one wonderful truth. Today is the day of salvation. Today is the day to repent and receive Christ as your Savior and LORD. The question is this. Have you trusted the work of Christ and His Cross? Have you submitted your heart to Him to let Him do His will in and through you? If not, why not? When someone admits they are a sinner before God and comes to Him in repentance and true faith, he is saved and then begins to bear the fruit of good works. John 3:16 says this. “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth on Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.” Fortunately for us God extended His mercy to us at Calvary. Your sins became His sins. He took your sins on His body and paid the penalty for those sins on the tree we know as the Cross of Calvary. Why? Because mercy is what draws each heart and moves us into the condition of blessedness with God. What will you do about your sins today? • “I Repent” = I change my mind about God, Christ, my sin, and God’s free gift of salvation. • “I Believe” = I simply trust the Lord Jesus Christ alone as the One Who paid the entire penalty for my sins. And in believing, I make Him Lord over my entire life. “LORD, thank you for your forgiveness. Thank you that Your forgiving me is fully and completely. Thank you for the work of Jesus Your Son who paid the entire debt so that I can enjoy the full debt cancelled.” Today, will you receive the Lord Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior? Shall we pray? |