Page Four: “Blessed Are They That Mourn” 06/10/2012
That hope is the same one that comes into your heart when you see the cross of Jesus. Was it not for your sins that Jesus died? Did He not give up His life for you and for me? Was not your sin placed upon His back that day on Calvary?
That might work of Jesus on the Cross is enough to plant hope in your heart and mine. We can find true comfort because it’s the comfort of God Himself.
Yes, we’ve all sinned. We’ve all come short of the glory of God. Yet, Someone has intervened for you and for me. He Who know no sin became sin for us so that the righteousness of God might be imputed to us.
Hallelujah! Christ has done for you what you could never do for yourself. He suffered and died so that you might be relieved of the power of that sin and come into the blessedness of a right relationship with God.
The kingdom of heaven in all its glory belongs to people who think they don’t ever deserve it. It’s yours; not because you are so capable, so strong, so good, or so efficient. It’s yours because He gives it to you as an effect of choosing outside the box of this world. It’s not earned or deserved. It’s the free gift bestowed upon those who come with humble, needy heart.
It’s like He gives a million times more than we could ever pay for when we choose to receive it in a spirit of humility.
God’s work is always that way. God is a Giver and we the receivers. And if we ever do give anything to God, it’s because He’s already given it to us.
Now, will you choose the blessedness Jesus offers over the “happy hours” of this world? If not, why not? What would hold you back from entering into a state of divine blessedness, a spiritual happiness that only God can give?
Folks, the LORD has shown us His way. It’s yours to apply what He says.
Now you may be here today and know that you are not among the blessed as the Bible describes blessed. As far as worldly things are concerned, you’ve likely experienced happiness; temporary fleeting happiness. But, up to this point in your life, this condition of blessedness has eluded you. And why? Simply because you have insisted on your sins and your ways for your entire life. You’ve never seen yourself as God sees you, a sinner who is destined for the judgment to come. And so, you’ve rejected Christ time and again.
Well, today is the day of salvation. Why would you not stand and repent and receive Christ today as your Savior and LORD. “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth on Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.”
Folks, there is a day of salvation. Today is that day of salvation. Your sins became His sins. He took your sins on His body and paid the penalty for those sins on the tree we know as the Cross of Calvary. Why? Because love is what draws each heart and moves us into the condition of blessedness with God.
What will you do about your sins today?
• “I Repent” = I change my mind about God, Christ, my sin, and God’s free gift of salvation.
• “I Believe” = I simply trust the Lord Jesus Christ alone as the One Who paid the entire penalty for my sins. And in believing, I make Him Lord over my entire life.
Today, will you receive the Lord Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior? Shall we pray?
Please turn with me in your Hymnal to # 707 “He Giveth More Grace”
That might work of Jesus on the Cross is enough to plant hope in your heart and mine. We can find true comfort because it’s the comfort of God Himself.
Yes, we’ve all sinned. We’ve all come short of the glory of God. Yet, Someone has intervened for you and for me. He Who know no sin became sin for us so that the righteousness of God might be imputed to us.
Hallelujah! Christ has done for you what you could never do for yourself. He suffered and died so that you might be relieved of the power of that sin and come into the blessedness of a right relationship with God.
The kingdom of heaven in all its glory belongs to people who think they don’t ever deserve it. It’s yours; not because you are so capable, so strong, so good, or so efficient. It’s yours because He gives it to you as an effect of choosing outside the box of this world. It’s not earned or deserved. It’s the free gift bestowed upon those who come with humble, needy heart.
It’s like He gives a million times more than we could ever pay for when we choose to receive it in a spirit of humility.
God’s work is always that way. God is a Giver and we the receivers. And if we ever do give anything to God, it’s because He’s already given it to us.
Now, will you choose the blessedness Jesus offers over the “happy hours” of this world? If not, why not? What would hold you back from entering into a state of divine blessedness, a spiritual happiness that only God can give?
Folks, the LORD has shown us His way. It’s yours to apply what He says.
Now you may be here today and know that you are not among the blessed as the Bible describes blessed. As far as worldly things are concerned, you’ve likely experienced happiness; temporary fleeting happiness. But, up to this point in your life, this condition of blessedness has eluded you. And why? Simply because you have insisted on your sins and your ways for your entire life. You’ve never seen yourself as God sees you, a sinner who is destined for the judgment to come. And so, you’ve rejected Christ time and again.
Well, today is the day of salvation. Why would you not stand and repent and receive Christ today as your Savior and LORD. “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth on Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.”
Folks, there is a day of salvation. Today is that day of salvation. Your sins became His sins. He took your sins on His body and paid the penalty for those sins on the tree we know as the Cross of Calvary. Why? Because love is what draws each heart and moves us into the condition of blessedness with God.
What will you do about your sins today?
• “I Repent” = I change my mind about God, Christ, my sin, and God’s free gift of salvation.
• “I Believe” = I simply trust the Lord Jesus Christ alone as the One Who paid the entire penalty for my sins. And in believing, I make Him Lord over my entire life.
Today, will you receive the Lord Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior? Shall we pray?
Please turn with me in your Hymnal to # 707 “He Giveth More Grace”