_Another well-known man said this.
“There is simply no doubt that even the early embryo is a human being.
All its genetic coding and all its features are indisputably human. As to
being, there is no doubt that it exists, is alive, is self-directed, and is not
the same being as the mother–and is therefore a unified whole.” Bernard N.
Nathanson, M.D., The Hand of
God (Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, 1996), 131. [Found on www.abort73.com
“Medical Testimony. A new human being comes into existence during the process
of fertilization”].
Dr. Nathanson, a one-time abortion proponent, who eventually abandoned his support for elective abortion noted that "the basics [of prenatal development] were well-known to human embryology at the time the U.S. Supreme Court issued its 1973 rulings, even though the rulings made no use of them." (A quote from Bernard N. Nathanson, M.D., Aborting America (New York: Pinnacle Books, 1979), 201). [Found on www.abort73.com “Medical Testimony. A new human being comes into existence during the process of fertilization”].
Here’s National Geographic on the same subject. "Biologically speaking, human development begins at fertilization." The Biology of Prenatal Develpment, National Geographic, 2006. [Found on www.abort73.com “Medical Testimony. A new human being comes into existence during the process of fertilization”].
Here’s National Geographic one year earlier. "The two cells gradually and gracefully become one. This is the moment of conception, when an individual's unique set of DNA is created, a human signature that never existed before and will never be repeated." In the Womb, National Geographic, 2005. [Found on www.abort73.com “Medical Testimony. A new human being comes into existence during the process of fertilization”].
Does DNA indicate when life begins? Any lab anywhere in the world that tests a fertilized egg will report DNA, the basics of a brand new life.
The conclusion anyone can easily come to on this question of when life begins is answered quite simply. It occurs at conception. Usually long before a mother is even aware that she is pregnant, life has begun inside her womb.
But let me offer to you the absolute genius of a child in the womb as a further word on this question.
This is Professor Alexander Tsiara, a associate professor at Yale in New Haven, CT. He was given a grant from NASA while at Yale to write algorithms so that astronauts and robots could perform surgery while in space.
He also created a visual presentation called “From Conception to Birth.” Everyone should Google his name and watch this tremendous video. It’s also on You Tube. It shows the genius of God at work developing a child from the very first day of fertilization. It’s totally fascinating.
Let’s me show you a small clip from that video. It will show you the development of the heart, which occurs between the 20th and 24th day of life, long before a mother even knows she’s pregnant.
Imagine the complexity that’s involved in the creation and development of a heart, a pump, the pump that will send five quarts of blood throughout your 60,000 miles of blood vessels in body at a rate of about two feet per minute for your entire life.
It is not difficult to see that life begins at conception. It’s in the Scriptures and it’s in the words of those who study the human body. What’s difficult to see is how our U. S. Supreme Court and how American doctors and nurses can allow the atrocity called abortion to continue.
Finally, what can you do about it?
First, believe what the truth is about life beginning at conception.
Second, as of today, there are two bills before Congress that deal with this matter. They are called the “Life At Conception Act” and the “Sanctity of Human Life Act.” I’ve included a list of textbooks and quotations on this subject for you to read over. At the end of those three pages you will find the names of those Congressmen from CT that have not sponsored either of these bills. If you feel strongly about this matter, call your Congressman. These are the five that have not become sponsors of H.R. Bill 374 or H.R. bill 212.
CT-1 John Larson (D)
CT-2 Joe Courtney (D)
CT-3 Rosa DeLauro (D)
CT-4 Jim Himes (D)
CT-5 Chris Murphy (D)
Here’s the love of God for each of us. And here’s the response He calls for in His Word. Repent and believe on Christ alone for your eternal security.
And last, one of the greatest things a Child of God can do is to be a proponent for life. Take the Bible and these extra-Biblical sources and make a choice for life and believe that life does indeed begin at conception.
Dr. Nathanson, a one-time abortion proponent, who eventually abandoned his support for elective abortion noted that "the basics [of prenatal development] were well-known to human embryology at the time the U.S. Supreme Court issued its 1973 rulings, even though the rulings made no use of them." (A quote from Bernard N. Nathanson, M.D., Aborting America (New York: Pinnacle Books, 1979), 201). [Found on www.abort73.com “Medical Testimony. A new human being comes into existence during the process of fertilization”].
Here’s National Geographic on the same subject. "Biologically speaking, human development begins at fertilization." The Biology of Prenatal Develpment, National Geographic, 2006. [Found on www.abort73.com “Medical Testimony. A new human being comes into existence during the process of fertilization”].
Here’s National Geographic one year earlier. "The two cells gradually and gracefully become one. This is the moment of conception, when an individual's unique set of DNA is created, a human signature that never existed before and will never be repeated." In the Womb, National Geographic, 2005. [Found on www.abort73.com “Medical Testimony. A new human being comes into existence during the process of fertilization”].
Does DNA indicate when life begins? Any lab anywhere in the world that tests a fertilized egg will report DNA, the basics of a brand new life.
The conclusion anyone can easily come to on this question of when life begins is answered quite simply. It occurs at conception. Usually long before a mother is even aware that she is pregnant, life has begun inside her womb.
But let me offer to you the absolute genius of a child in the womb as a further word on this question.
This is Professor Alexander Tsiara, a associate professor at Yale in New Haven, CT. He was given a grant from NASA while at Yale to write algorithms so that astronauts and robots could perform surgery while in space.
He also created a visual presentation called “From Conception to Birth.” Everyone should Google his name and watch this tremendous video. It’s also on You Tube. It shows the genius of God at work developing a child from the very first day of fertilization. It’s totally fascinating.
Let’s me show you a small clip from that video. It will show you the development of the heart, which occurs between the 20th and 24th day of life, long before a mother even knows she’s pregnant.
Imagine the complexity that’s involved in the creation and development of a heart, a pump, the pump that will send five quarts of blood throughout your 60,000 miles of blood vessels in body at a rate of about two feet per minute for your entire life.
It is not difficult to see that life begins at conception. It’s in the Scriptures and it’s in the words of those who study the human body. What’s difficult to see is how our U. S. Supreme Court and how American doctors and nurses can allow the atrocity called abortion to continue.
Finally, what can you do about it?
First, believe what the truth is about life beginning at conception.
Second, as of today, there are two bills before Congress that deal with this matter. They are called the “Life At Conception Act” and the “Sanctity of Human Life Act.” I’ve included a list of textbooks and quotations on this subject for you to read over. At the end of those three pages you will find the names of those Congressmen from CT that have not sponsored either of these bills. If you feel strongly about this matter, call your Congressman. These are the five that have not become sponsors of H.R. Bill 374 or H.R. bill 212.
CT-1 John Larson (D)
CT-2 Joe Courtney (D)
CT-3 Rosa DeLauro (D)
CT-4 Jim Himes (D)
CT-5 Chris Murphy (D)
Here’s the love of God for each of us. And here’s the response He calls for in His Word. Repent and believe on Christ alone for your eternal security.
And last, one of the greatest things a Child of God can do is to be a proponent for life. Take the Bible and these extra-Biblical sources and make a choice for life and believe that life does indeed begin at conception.