Page Three: “Pleasing God By Being Grateful” 09/23/2012
Can you not easily see that Paul is saying that at least by these four ways you can live so as to please the LORD?
One, as we are being fruitful in every good work. Two, as we increase in the knowledge of God. Three, as we are being strengthened with all might. And four, as we give thanks unto the Father. Today, how do you feel when someone expressed gratefulness to you for something you did especially for them? Well, that’s just how God feels when we give Him thanks. It is always in order to be grateful; in every circumstance in every situation; to everyone; and for everything; but especially giving thanks to the LORD. To please God, we must be more grateful; the more grateful, the more pleasing to Him. Imagine a child who is extremely grateful to his dad and mom. What kind of child is this? Imagine an employee who is extremely grateful to his boss or supervisor. What kind of employee is this? Imagine a soldier who is extremely grateful to his caption and general. What kind of soldier is this? Imagine a student who is extremely grateful to his teacher. What kind of student is this? Now, what are you grateful for? What, according to the Bible, should be at least some of what you are grateful for? Here’s verse twelve again. (12) Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light:…” And the Apostle Paul extends to you and me exactly what we ought to be the most grateful for. Here are at least two things. 1. Grateful for who we are in Christ – v. 12 2. Grateful for what God has done for us – v. 13 |
Do what Paul teaches here and you can be very sure that you will both please the LORD and find yourself a very happy soul.
First, are you grateful for who you are in Christ? (12) ”Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light:…” If you are in Christ, look at what the Father has done with you. He has made you to be a partaker of the inheritance of the saints in light. Folks, you have been given a most remarkable gift. You’ve become a partaker in an inheritance designed only for saints. Saints? Yes; saints. And God doesn’t just give this our indiscriminately. He’s done something to you by giving you this inheritance. He’s made you just like His Son. You, right now, are partaking in this inheritance. And what does this look like? Simply this. As a Believer in Christ You are, each day you live on this earth, being shaped more and more into the character of Christ. Please notice the tense. God has made you a partaker in a saintly inheritance. You’ve been granted a piece of an inheritance that belongs to a unique class of individuals; the sons and daughters of God. So, the question here is simple. Are you grateful that you have been made a partaker in a holy inheritance? You are becoming more and more and more and more like Jesus Christ. Most of us would like to get an inheritance of money or property or some other material thing. Yet yours is a far higher and far more glorious inheritance. So, the question is again “Are you grateful that you have been granted the privilege of participating in the most favorable status known in the universe; holiness?” |