Page Three: “God Made Peace Through The Cross” 10/28/2012
And for your information, I know a little Greek, the language of the NT. But I am not a Greek scholar. And I am not saying you must become a Greek reader in order to understand God’s Word. Yet, I like to see just how the verse stands in the original. And sometimes it has truly opened my eyes to what the LORD is saying. And here is what I found.
Colossians 1:19 “that in Him it pleased [the Father] all the fulness should dwell (20) and through Him to reconcile all things unto Himself by achieving peace through the blood of His cross; through Him, whether the things of earth or the things of heaven. (21) And you who were once alienated and enemies in mind by wicked works now He has reconciled.” [See Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary on Col. 1:19-21]. As you know, my desire is that you see just what the Bible teaches. And to do that, we need to see exactly what the Bible says. So, here’s what the LORD teaches us here. One, it was pleasing to the Father that all the fulness should dwell in God/man Jesus Christ. Two, it was pleasing to the Father to reconcile all things whether they are in earth or in Heaven to Himself by achieving peace though the blood of the Cross. And three, (v. 21) you who were once alienated and enemies are now reconciled. Folks, it’s truly wonderful to uncover the truths of life from God’s Word. Let me encourage you today with three of them. First, it pleased the Father that all the fullness should dwell in Jesus. Folks, if there is one way to view Christ, it’s to see Him as a human being in Whom dwelt the fullness of God Himself. I spoke earlier about everything in the universe having a center. Now consider Who that Center is. Jesus Christ embodies all, everything, every aspect, every quality, every authority, every power, and every point of the character of God the Father. |
In simple words, to observe Jesus is to see God in action. It’s to see His love and His glory at the same time. It’s to see His power and His humility in the same human body.
All of our conceptions of God can be found in just one human being; Jesus Christ. There is no one Who stands higher than Christ. But why is that? Here’s why. Jesus is the embodiment of the fulness of the Godhead. Later on in this same book, Paul will say this. Colossians 2:9 “For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.” All that He is He is in Christ. And just like we cannot make the origin of the universe into a chance event, we cannot make Jesus into a mere man. And you can see why right here in this passage. First, it pleased the Father that all the fulness should dwell in Jesus. Second, it was pleasing to the Father to reconcile all things in earth or in Heaven to Himself by achieving peace though the blood of the Cross. You know and I know that the history of mankind has been divided by the days before the birth of Jesus and the days after His birth. But consider this. The entire world of human beings is also divided by Jesus. Here’s what I mean. The Cross of Christ divides the world into the Believing and the Unbelieving. It’s at the Cross where a man or a woman or a child comes to find his peace with God once and for ever. Ask yourself this simple question. “How can I find peace with God?” And the answer is this. The moment you see the purpose and power of the Cross and the One Who shed His blood there, you see the length God went to in order to bring peace into your soul. |