Page Four: “Blessed Are The Pure In Heart” - 07/29/2012
Think with me now of the way you know God. Is it mental? Do you know about Him? Is it emotional? Do you feel something about Him? Or, it is a “knowing,” a “seeing” that is very real; yet, somewhat indescribable?
A finite human being can “know” God. You may know many, many people. But the blessedness, according to Jesus, includes your “knowing” Him personally. That’s amazing, to say the least. Folks, you can always tell when your heart has been truly changed by the LORD. You can see it when you respond to His moving upon your heart. You can see it in your awareness of His presence in your life; and with totally good reason. His desire is that you come to “know” Him. And you can see it in this condition He calls blessedness. My question to you is this. Does this condition exist in your heart right now? If not, discern why not. It’s clearly His desire that you be among the blessed. All the work of Christ is so that you might know what it is to be blessed. What you do with what you know from the lips of Jesus tells you a whole lot about yourself. Will you listen to Him today? Or, will you go away with a slight hope that someday you’ll find this blessedness? Will you choose His way? Or will you continue to go your own way? God’s work is always the best way. God is a pure God and we are the recipients of that purity. Now, will you choose the blessedness Jesus offers you? First, pure means clean and cleansed. Second, pure is a matter of the heart. Third, the clean heart is experienced by faith. Fourth, pure is a moral word. And finally, let His word sink deep into your spirit today. “Blessed are the pure in heart; for they shall see God.” |
So, what would ever hold you back from entering into a state of divine blessedness? What would get you to refuse a spiritual happiness that only God can offer or give? Folks, the LORD has shown us His way. It’s yours to apply what He says.
Now you may be here today and know that you are not among the blessed as the Bible describes blessed. And you know that you are not among the merciful in this world. Well, today is the day of salvation. Today is the day to stop and check yourself before Jesus Christ. Why would you not repent and receive Christ today as your Savior and LORD. “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth on Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.” Folks, there is a day of salvation. Today is that day of salvation. Fortunately for us God extended His mercy to us at Calvary. Your sins became His sins. He took your sins on His body and paid the penalty for those sins on the tree we know as the Cross of Calvary. Why? Because mercy is what draws each heart and moves us into the condition of blessedness with God. What will you do about your sins today? • “I Repent” = I change my mind about God, Christ, my sin, and God’s free gift of salvation. • “I Believe” = I simply trust the Lord Jesus Christ alone as the One Who paid the entire penalty for my sins. And in believing, I make Him Lord over my entire life. Today, will you receive the Lord Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior? Shall we pray? Please turn with me in your Hymnal to # 654 “Change My heart, O God” |