Page Four: “Tied To Jesus Christ” 3/17/13
Once you are in the fountain, so-to-speak, you discover that the work of Christ at the Cross so united you with Christ that what happened to Jesus Christ happened to you. His death, burial, and resurrection becomes yours. His work was for you. His work was on your behalf.
Now think about your salvation. Here’s what happened to me. I became a Believer at the age of fifteen. At the age of fifteen, I died with Christ, was buried with Him, and rose with Him. How? I really can’t say how. Yet, this is what the Bible teaches us. My life outside the fountain was an onlooker. I’d heard about Christ. But the moment I trusted Christ, the work of the Cross was applied to my life. Hallelujah! First, there are two kinds of people around you; those “in Christ” and those “outside of Christ.” Second, Salvation not only secures your place in Heaven, it also once and forever joins you together with Christ. And third, I am tied to Jesus Christ. I am united to Him. Christ work was immediately applied to me the day I received Him as my Savior and LORD. Today I stand as Jesus says in John 14:20 “At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.” You see, folks, not only did the Cross of Christ become your means of eternal security; it also became your means of “union with Christ.” There’s a tremendous Christian hymn that goes like this. It was written by Thomas Ryder (June 1875) Buried with Christ, and raised with Him too; What is there left for me to do? Simply to cease from struggling and strife, Simply to walk in newness of life. Glory be to God! |
Risen with Christ, my glorious Head,
Holiness now the pathway I tread, Beautiful thought, while walking therein: He that is dead is freed from sin. Glory be to God! Living with Christ, who dieth no more, Following Christ, who goeth before; I am from bondage utterly freed, Reckoning self as dead indeed. Glory be to God! Living for Christ, my members I yield, Servants to God, for evermore sealed, Not under law, I’m now under grace, Sin is dethroned, and Christ takes its place. Glory be to God! Growing in Christ; no more shall be named Things of which now I’m truly ashamed, Fruit unto holiness will I bear, Life evermore, the end I shall share. Glory be to God! [Source: #ixzz2NR4kjLNz] And here’s the refrain for this great hymn. Buried with Christ and dead unto sin; Dying but living, Jesus within; Ruling and reigning day after day, Guiding and keeping all of the way [Found on] Mr. Thomas Ryder had gotten into the fountain. He’d gotten saved. And then, as he learned to walk with Jesus Christ, he discovered the wonderful truth that he was united to Him and that the work of the Christ had become his work. John Newton had gotten into the fountain. I’ve gotten into the fountain. What about you? |