At that very moment Roger Banister passed him on the outside while he was looking back on the inside. He lost the race and will go down in history as the runner who looked back. He should have been concerned with running his own race. But he took his eyes off the finish line and looked at his opponent, and that cost him the race." [found on by Stephen M. Caswell from July 2010].
The reason I close with this story is to remind you that keeping your eyes on the goal is far more important than worrying about who’s behind you and might get ahead of you. Keep your eyes on the prize. The Apostle Paul said this in Philippians 3:14 “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Each of us can do exactly what the Apostle Paul did; press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Will you today and this week set your heart and mind upon Jesus Christ and aim to please Him no matter what? Nothing is more important than knowing and believing the Truth. Today you have a choice. II know that these are large matters. But we’ve only got this life to do respond to God and receive His free gift of Salvation. Soon Jesus will return and we’ll be ascending into Heaven. So, today is the day to believe His Word and respond to Him. Will you submit your heart to the LORD and let Him have His way today?In order to effectively live in light of these hindrances,you’ll need to pray this prayer. I call it the Prayer of Surrender. It’s a wonderful prayer and I’m sure it honors the LORD when you pray it and truly mean it. LORD, I submit all that I am to you; my spirit, my soul, and my body. Do with me what is most pleasing to you. Work out Your will upon me today." |